The Maslin's

Click on Pictures

Left to Right: Jarrod, Zach, Sandra, Robert
November 2012

Left to Right: Sandy, Jarrod, Mark, Angela, Zach, Robert
November 10, 2012 -- Nashville, Tennesee

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Jim, Robert, Jarrod, Zach, Sandra, Angela
June 2012

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Zach, Rob, Charles, AJ, Jacob, Sandy, Valerie, Antonia, Frances, Sara, Makayla, Jarrod, Dylan, Marvin, Lauren, Kaylaen.
November 2008
Clockwise: Frances, Charles, Robert, Dad
November 2007
Clockwise: Sandra, Jarrod, Zachary, Robert
November 2007

Clockwise Left Corner: Jacob, Frances, Antonia, Charles, Jarrod, Valerie, Robert, Sandra, Zachary,Dylan, Marvin, Lauren. (Missing: Sarah) November 2007

Dad and Lauren
November 2007

Clockwise Left Corner: Zach, Jarrod, Jacob, Sara, Makaylin, Dylan, Kaylaen, Antonia. November 2008

Frances, Sarah, Charles, Marvin, Lauren, Jarrod, Sandra, Robert, Antonia, Valerie, Jacob, Zachary (1999)
The Maslin's (My Dad's Father's Family)

My Grandmother Shirley, Grandfather Jack, Izzy's wife Molly, Grand Uncle Ben, Morris' Wife Sarah, Cousin Meyer, My Father Marvin, Grand Uncle Izzy, Great Grandma Yetta, Great Grand father Raphreal, Grand Uncle Morris, and Cousin Betty
The Laskey's (My Dad's Mother's Family)

My Grand Uncle Joe Laskey, Joe's wife Florence, My Grand Uncle Irving Laskey, My Grand Aunt Jan, My Grandfather Jack My Great-Great Grandma Dora, My Great Grandmother Bessie, My Great Grandfather Hyman, My Father, My Grandmother Shirley
*** Photo taken June 14, 1936 ***
Grand Uncle Morris, Grand Uncle Izzy
Grandfather Jack, Grand Uncle Ben
Uncle Harvey (My Dad's Brother) and Aunt Marcia Cousin Meyer and Grand Aunt Sarah

Grandmother Rebecca Tambkin
My Mother's Mother's Grandmother

Grandfather Tambkin
My Mother's Mother's Grandfather

Great Grandmother
Esther Tambkin Finkleberg
My Mother's Mother's Mother

Great Grandfather Sam Finkleberg
My Mother's Mother's father

As related to my Mother's Mother
L-R Clockwise: 1/2 sister Sara, 1/2 brother Jack 1/2 sister Beatrice, Mother Esther (Fanny) My grandmother, 1/2 sister Lilian

Grand Uncle Seymour Rosenbloom
My Mother's Father's Brother

Seymour Charles Rosenbloom
My Mother's Father's Brother
-Chuck says Jarrod looks like him-
Uncle Kal, Grandpa Lou, Grandma Dorothy, My Mother Sterra My Grandmother's Sister Rose, My Grandmother, My grandMother's sister Sara's Daughter Ann, My Mother Sterra My grand Aunts Pauline & Beatrice 10/28/1953 Hot Springs, Ark

Sam' Finkleberg's Newstand
North Ave & Crawford; Chicago
My Grandmother's Siser Rose Crivaro

My Mother's Father's Grand Parents
My Mother Sterra and her Brother Kalman
1942 Chicago

My Grandmother Dorothy, Grand Father Lou
My Mother, My Uncle Kalman
11/20/1938 Mojave Desert

My Mother's Mother and Father: Lou & Dorothy

My Parent's Wedding Picture
Grandpa Lou, Mom, Dad, Grandma Dorothy

My Parent's Wedding Picture

My Mother 'Sterra'

My Mother Sterra

My Great Grandparents Hyman & Bessie Laskey (Schlaskey)
Great, Great, Great Grandparents of my Niece Antonia's children; Dylan & Emma

My Great Grandparent's (Laskey) Butcher Shop
My Great Grandfather Hyman , Great Grandmother Bessie, Grand Aunt Jan on right.
Circa 1920-1921 - 851 N Western Ave, Chicago, Illinois.

My Great Aunt Jan (My Father's Mother's Sister) and Great Uncle Sid's Fruit & Vegetable Shop.
Chicago, Illinois - 1941

(left to Right, Top to Bottom - The Laskeys)
Great Uncle Irving (My Father's Mother's Brother)
Great Uncle Joe (My Father's Mother's Brother), Rhodis (Irving's Wife), Carol (Joe's Daughter), Harvey (My Father's Brother), Great Aunt Jan (My Father's Mother's Sister)
Florence (Joe's Wife), Irwin (Joe's Son), Lynn (Irv's Daughter), Sid (Jan's Husband)
Bonnie (Irv's Daugher)

(left to Right, Top to Bottom - The Laskeys)
Unknown,Unknown,Joe, Florence, Besse, Irv
Rhodis, Irwin, Lynn
Bonnie, Jan